“Bryan Murphy’s early life struggles as a High School and College athlete are TREMENDOUS life lessons for anyone who has the privilege to listen to his story. He CAPTIVATED our students with a VIVID description of his challenging history and how he overcame the odds to become a SUCCESSFUL motivational speaker and sports performance coach. I am PROUD to say I know and work with Bryan Murphy.

--Bill Parisi, Founder Parisi Speed Schools/Parisi Prep Academy

“Bryan made a STRONG IMPACT on our student-athletes sharing his journey and being OPEN and HONEST about the everyday challenges young people face in today’s society. The Q+A session at the end really portrayed how much our players APPRECIATED and LISTENED to so many of the stories he shared with them. It was really cool seeing him back at his Alma-mater and hopefully the Ironmen learned some VALUABLE lessons after listening to Murph today.”

--Dan Sabella, Don Bosco Prep Head Football Coach

"I want to take this time to thank Bryan for his HEARTFELT AND INSPIRATIONAL message that he delivered to the students at Montclair High School. I am truly convinced Bryan TOUCHED MANY STUDENTS as evidenced by the questions posed during the Q&A SESSION THAT WERE THOUGHT-PROVOKING AND EVEN PERSONAL it felt at times, and even more so, by the LINE OF STUDENTS AND STAFF WAITING to speak with him face-to-face. Bryan's words were true, compassionate, relevant and relational. OUR STUDENTS AND STAFF ARE GRATEFUL FOR HIS MESSAGE OF HOPE AND TRIUMPH!!! Thank you."

--Reginald Clark, Montclair High School Assistant Principal

“It is RARE to see 700 kids sit silently listening to a presentation but that is the EFFECT Bryan has when he speaks. The students were ENGAGED from start to finish as Bryan spoke from his heart, sharing his real-life personal struggles. THANK YOU for bringing this story to our kids and teaching them that there is always hope and there is always help.”

--Scott Langan, Paramus Catholic Vice Principal of Student Activities/Athletic Director

“Alisha, What a great job you did. I thought last night was amazing.  Bryan had a powerful story to tell. it was so great to see all those young boys and girls sitting there staring at him, focused on every word as he spoke.  My kids were riveted. We talked about the experience the whole way home, and it felt like a great accomplishment to hear my boys intelligently speaking their minds all as a result of the event you  planned. We are so  glad we came. Thanks you so much for inviting us to this special event. Bryan is a wonderful gem of a guy. My heart is with him.”

--Tom Premtaj, Father of 17 and 15 year old sons

"Murph gave a HEART WRENCHING account of his struggles with addiction and his subsequent VICTORY in reclaiming his LIFE. POWERFUL and MOVING, He made an unmeasurable IMPACT on our players and coaches." 

--Greg Gattuso, University of Albany Head Football Coach

"Thank you so much! He did an incredible job. Really powerful message."

--Nick Campanile, Depaul Catholic High School Teacher/Football Coach

"You did a great job connecting with our students and sharing your life with us. You are using your gift to the fullest and today our kids benefited greatly!"

--Gregg Desiderio, Valley Middle School Principal, Oakland, NJ

“Just wanted to say THANK YOU for yesterday!  Your story has touched our students deeply and provided them with much needed knowledge on the impact their choices will have on their future.  Adding the evening keynote was an awesome community event!”  

--Gregg Desiderio, Valley Middle School Principal, Oakland, NJ

“Modify Your Mindset Virtual Administrative Retreat was the perfect leadership booster during our remote learning from home.  Bryan's "ethos" RE-ENERGIZED our mindsets.  His HIGH-ENERGY style provided everyone in the professional development training to feel EMPOWERED with gratitude for the time we were able to spend together "modifying" our mindset to be an “IMPACT MAKER” in the important work we do each day. Thank you Bryan."Change your mindset, reset your compass with gratitude. Aspire to inspire....an ethos of gratitude each day.”

--Dr. Gina Coffaro, Superintendent Oakland, NJ Public Schools

“One of the all-time greats came through to share his INCREDIBLE story with us. GREAT presentation; guys asked questions and Murph answered HONESTLY and from the heart. Awesome to see our kids to learn from one of their own and CONNECT!”

--Ignacio Urbina, Don Bosco Prep Offensive Coordinator/Teacher

"I am so thankful for his example of DISCIPLINE and COURAGE so that I can do what I can to instill these same values in young student athletes today, so that they can face their ADVERSITY with courage and STRENGTH and grow up to be men and women of HIGH CHARACTER. To grow up to be men like Bryan Murphy, bringing their struggles into the light and not hide them away. A man that I would want my own three boys to ADMIRE and EMULATE."

--Chris Fabish, Ridgewood High School Guidance Counselor/Football Coach

"The students of John F. Kennedy, Jr. High School were truly lucky to have you share such a POWERFUL, PERSONAL AND IMPACTFUL STORY. Please know that your willingness to expose the most vulnerable time of your life has the real potential to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in somebody's life. The crowd that gathered after your presentation was proof of your impact on them."

--Ani Silvani, John F. Kennedy High School LSW, SAC

“Thank you very much for allowing JFK a chance to receive a powerful message.  We greatly appreciate your work and will continue to keep our doors open to you in the future.”

--Michael Hill, John F. Kennedy High School Principal of Operations

“Thank you both for everything – the hard work, wonderful presentation at JFK and consistent efforts in getting our Paterson schools taken care of! I very much appreciate both of you.” 

--Laurel Olson, Paterson Public Schools MA, SAC, LAC Supervisor of Student Assistant Programs

“Bryan's keynote presentation ENGAGED our students in a way that I have never seen before. His story is COMPELLING for a variety of reasons, however, his ABILITY TO CONNECTwith students and RELATE TO THEIR EXPERIENCE is what sets this presentation apart. Thank you for sharing your story with the Green Knights!”

--Michael Bruno, St. Joes Regional Montvale Principal

“Thank you for your kind words.  I always tell my students that we need to consistently be kind and respectful and to also be part of the solution.  Thank you for working so hard to be part of the solution.  I watched as our students watched you, they listened, an impression was made.  If just one student can find the strength to ask for help or choose to not make an unhealthy decision after hearing you speak, then you have achieved a profound purpose.  Thank you again.”

--Jacqueline Christiano, Vice Principal of Valley Middle School, Oakland, NJ

The recent talk by Bryan Murphy was one of the best that we have had in my four years at the Prep. Speakers, though well-meaning and prepared, often struggle to connect with a large group of young teenage men, especially highly motivated and intelligent young men like those who make up our St. Joseph’s Prep student body. However, Bryan connected in a way quite unlike anyone I have seen. It is such a good feeling to hear the silence of a large room, listening with rapt attention to Bryan share his unflinching story in incredible vulnerability. Since the talk, I have had numerous students approach me unsolicited to tell me how much they enjoyed it, many saying things like: "I think that was the best presentation I have seen since being a student here," "Mr. Ghee does he have other talks he could do for next year?," "Hey, can you tell Mr. Murphy I really liked how he presented his story?" We are so grateful that Bryan shared his incredible story with our community and hope to have him back again soon!

 --Bryan Ghee, St. Joseph’s Prep Philadelphia Director of Student Activities

"Your presentation this morning was OUTSTANDING. The way you CONNECTED with the students provided them an opportunity to hear your VERY IMPORTANT message. THANK YOU for caring about all our students and wanting to be a PRESENCE in making a POSITIVE difference in their lives." 

--Dr. Gina Coffaro, Superintendent Oakland, NJ Public Schools

"Thank you for your continued message to all students that the circle of life (your past, your present and your future) are never separate. Being able to keep that circle connected through hope and knowing others are there when you need it most continues to come from you in the message you send through your words. Tonight was outstanding Bryan- transformative for all to hear your story with an honest presentation of your life journey bringing you back home to help others.”

--Dr. Gina Coffaro, Superintendent Oakland, NJ Public Schools

"Thank you so much for bringing your VERY IMPORTANT message to Bergen Catholic High School. It was very well received by our students, teachers and coaches. STUDENTS TODAY TRULY CAN'T HEAR THIS MESSAGE ENOUGH."

--Dr. Brian Mahoney, Bergen Catholic High School President

 “Bryan was awesome! I can't tell you how SPECIAL it was to have him here with us - our players, parents and coaches were MOVED BY HIS STORY OF TRIUMPH IN A REAL-WORLD CRISIS SITUATION. Great lesson for our kids to wrap their heads around and learn from a real guy who fought a real battle.”

--Rich Hansen, St. Peters Prep Athletic Director/Head Football Coach, NJSFC President

"Thank you, Bryan Murphy for speaking to the SHU Football team last night. Your STORY is POWERFUL and MOVING. We APPRECIATE you sharing it with SHU.”

--Mark Nofri, Sacred Heart University Head Football Coach

"THANK YOU, Bryan for coming out to talk to our team last night. A NUMBER of PLAYERS have already come up to me and said that it was a good event. Keep up the good work and SPREADING the MESSAGE.”

--Matt Gardner, Sacred Heart University QB Coach/Offensive Coordinator